ADVOCATE provides a variety of tools that allow you to view your counseling data in meaningful ways. Some of these are pre-configured reports, lists, labels, etc. that are provided with ADVOCATE and some are executed using FileMaker Pro’s built-in tools. Additionally, if you have purchased the open version of ADVOCATE, you are able to add reports, letters, labels, etc. as needed.
Pre-configured reports are available in most of the major ADVOCATE files—AVSTUDENTS,AVAPPS, AVCOUNSELORS, AVCOLLEGES, AVPSAT, AVACT, etc.—and are accessed by clicking the Report icon in the Task Bar. Reports typically operate on a found set of records. Once the desired records (students, colleges, counselors, or applications) are found, the report, if appropriate, will automatically sort them in some meaningful way and then present the information for viewing on the screen or for printing. If the report does not presort the records, you may sort them manually in any order you choose by using FileMaker Pro’s built-in Sort function prior to running the report. Reports do not automatically print in ADVOCATE. It is necessary to select print from the File menu if you wish to print a report.
List is a convenient view of your data in a generic list format. Generally, to use List, you find a set of records, sort them in some fashion, and then display those records in a list format by clicking the List icon in the Task Bar. List layouts are available in AVSTUDENTS, AVAPPs, AVCOUNSELORS, and AVCOLLEGES and contain basic information about the entities in those files.
For example, you may want to view a list of all the students who have listed tennis as an activity for their senior year. To accomplish this you would first find all those students using FileMaker Pro’s built in Find mode who play tennis in their senior year, then sort them alphabetically by some criteria using FileMaker Pro’s Sort, and finally, select the List icon in the Task Bar. From there you could view the list on the screen, print the list, or export the list to some other file format. Refer to the section, Find, Sort, Layout, Print (FSLP) for greater explanation.
QuickLists are available in AVSTUDENTS and AVCOLLEGES and are commonly needed views of your data presented in a list format with the pertinent fields and headings. Like List, they do not contain scripted Finds or Sorts. This allows you to find any group of records and display them in a pre-configured QuickList format. A Matriculation List in AVSTUDENTS is an example of a QuickList. To use the Matriculation List, you would find the students for whom you wish to display matriculation information, sort them according to some criteria, and then select the Matriculation List from the QuickLists screen. The Matriculation List contains all the pertinent fields.
There are a number of pre-configured labels ready for printing in AVSTUDENTS, AVAPPs and AVCOLLEGES. To print labels, merely find the group for whom you wish to generate labels, sort them in the desired order, navigate to the Labels screen, and choose the desired label type. The number beside the label name corresponds to the Avery label number. You may want to refer to a FileMaker Pro manual for greater explanation in viewing and printing labels.
The following labels are available in the AVSTUDENTS file for the custodial parents:
- Student 5160
- Parents 5160
- Student w/Parent 5160
- Student #10 Envelope
- Parent #10 Envelope
- Student w/Parent #10 Envelope
The following labels are available in the AVCOLLEGES file:
- College Labels 5160
- College Envelope
You also have the ability to export names and addresses for students and parents from the Labels screen in AVSTUDENTS.
Find, Sort, Layout, Print (FSLP)
While accessing data is easy, an organized method should be followed to obtain the desired results when working with FileMaker Pro systems. At iR we use the acronym FSLP or Find, Sort, Layout, and Print to identify a systematic method of accessing information efficiently. To complete a task using aFileMaker Pro database it is useful to remember the four steps of FSLP and consciously complete each one.
For example, you may want to print a list of all enrolled students who have a GPA greater than 3.2 and who have applied to the University of San Francisco.
To accomplish this:
- You would find or isolate the records that contain the desired data using FileMaker Pro’s Find mode.
In this case you would find all enrolled students with GPAs greater than 3.2 and who have applied to University of San Francisco.
- Next, using FileMaker Pro’s Sort mode, you would order those students alphabetically by their last names.
- Once the records were sorted, you would navigate to a layout that displays the data in the desired form. In this case it would be the List view.
- From there you could view the data on the screen, print it, or export the data to some other file format.
Printing in ADVOCATE
Screens or layouts in ADVOCATE have been designed for viewing your data in specific ways. Some layouts or screens are suitable for viewing data on the screen. Others are designed to be printed. While you have the ability to print any ADVOCATE screen, it doesn’t always make sense to do so. Instead, if you wish to print, you should navigate to a view (or layout) that is designed for printing. These are generally found in Reports, Lists, Labels, and QuickLists.
For example, the Student Profile screen contains pertinent biographical information but is not designed for printing. There is too much color on the screen and items are not arranged for the best display on a printout. Instead, if you want to see student biographical information in a printed list, navigate to one of the QuickLists that is formatted for printing.
ADVOCATE does not automatically print any layout for you. Instead you must select Print from theFileMaker Pro File menu at the top of your screen. Depending upon which platform you are using, the Page Setup (on Macintosh computers) or Print Setup (on Windows machines) will appear. Make your selections and press Print.