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  3. PWS Modifying Instructions for Inquiry, Application, Payment, and Recommendation

PWS Modifying Instructions for Inquiry, Application, Payment, and Recommendation

The following instructions/messages on the PWS web site can be edited on the PWS: Sources Main > Advanced tab > Messages subtab:

  • Application Instructions
  • Application Fee Waiver Code Email Confirmation
  • Inquiry Instructions
  • Payment Instructions
  • Recommendation Instructions

To edit the instructions seen by families on the PWS web site, you will navigate to Sources.

  1. Within PWS, click More > Sources.

  1. If you accept applications via Gateway to Prep (GTP) or Standard Application Online (SAO), you will see this screen. Use the green arrow to navigate into PWS: Sources Main.

  1. In PWS: Sources Main, click the Advanced tab and then click the Messages subtab.


  1. From the list on the left of messages that can be edited, select the message you wish to edit.
  2. Click Download to retrieve the current message from the web site.


  1. Edit the message. Messages are formatted using HTML.
  2. Click Upload to save your changes to the web site.


  1. A dialog box will appear to confirm that the upload is complete. Click OK.
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