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  3. Assisting Online Recommenders and Applicants

Assisting Online Recommenders and Applicants

This guide is aimed to help administrators troubleshoot problems communicated by Recommenders or Applicants. Please follow the following steps in order to assure that you have all of the information needed to solve problems with the Recommendation process.
  1. Collect Information
    Please ask your Recommender/ Applicant the following questions to determine what they are having trouble with and how to help them.

    1. Did you get the recommendation request email?
    2. Did you click on the link in the email?
      Note: This will either prompt them to set a password or, if they already have an account with that email, it will bring them to the login page.
    3. Were you able to log into the recommender account?
    4. What email are you using to log in?
    5. Do you (the Recommender/ Applicant) have more than one email address?
    6. If not, what happens when you click on the link?
      Note: If possible, get a screenshot of what happens when they click on the link, or of the error message if they get one.
    7. Are you having trouble once inside the account? What is occurring?

If users are able to access the Recommender portal, locate the applicant in question and evaluate the current status of the Recommendation in PWS.

  1. The Status will indicate the application’s progress within PWS:
    1. No Inquiry: PWS does not know what record in PORTAL to deliver the recommendation to yet. This means the related application must first be processed.
    2. New: PWS knows what PORTAL Inquiry record to deliver this recommendation to, and will process as long as the Web Status is submitted.
    3. PROCESSED: The recommendation has processed completely.
  2. The Web Status will indicate the progress online:
    1. New: The applicant has requested the recommendation from the Recommender.
    2. In Progress: The Recommender has begun working on the recommendation.
    3. Submitted: The Recommender has submitted the recommendation.
    4. Canceled: The recommendation request has been canceled.

If the user’s issue has not been addressed, the next step is to gather information from the related Recommender Account.

Note: This step is for PWS 3.2.0+ only. If you do not have PWS 3.2.0+, inRESONANCE would be happy to migrate your PWS file to the latest version free of charge. Please contact [email protected] for more details.

  1. Go to PWS>More>Logins, and click on the Refresh button to ensure your account manager has all account information up to date.
    Note: This should be done prior to any accounts/logins troubleshooting.
  2. Use the Recommendations tab in PWS and the Show Related Login button to:
    1. Reference the email address that the applicant requested the recommendation of.
    2. See if the Recommender has clicked the link and successfully set a password or not.
    3. If the Recommender didn’t get the email, you can reset their account to initiate a fresh activation link to them.
      Note: Whenever troubleshooting accounts/logins, you should first go to PWS> More> Logins and click the Refresh button to make sure that all account information is up to date. Do this first and then use the Show Related Login button on the recommendation tab.
Helpful Guidelines for Troubleshooting Common Problems
  1. If the Recommender reports that they did not receive the email from the applicant, you should ask them to check their spam/junk folder first. If it is not in their spam folder please view this page.
  2. You can send a fresh activation link via email to the teacher by resetting that Recommender’s account using the Show Related Logins button in PWS > reset the account.
  3. If the Recommender receives an error message when they click on the activation link, they have already used that link to set a password. The recommender should be advised to try to log into using the password they set.
  4. Sometimes a Recommender might be trying to log into an old account. The Recommender must click on the link in the email request for the child they are trying to complete a recommendation for. If you believe this may be the case, use the Show Related Login button the PWS’s Recommendation tab to see if they are using the correct email associated with that recommendation.
  5. If they receive an error in the browser when clicking on the recommendation link, the Recommender should try accessing the Recommender account outside of their school’s firewall or ask their network admin to include inRESONANCE.com so they can access the Recommender account behind their Firewall.
Asking inRESONANCE for Help
If none of the above suggestions are able to help your Recommender or Applicant solve their problem, please contact iR for further support. Please provide a detailed account of what the user is reporting, including the text of the error messages they are encountering, the teacher’s email address, the Applicant’s name, and the Rec ID from the recommendation tab in PWS when seeking help with an online recommendation.
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