BP v2.0.55 (11/16/2018)
[Fix] Fixed an issue where some back end logic was causing BillPay to erroneously report multiple payments when only one payment existed.
BP v2.0.53, PS 2.2.5 (10/31/2018)
[Fix] In some rare instances, the payment page was throwing an error when paying with a non-stored payment method. This bug has been squashed.
[Fix] The payment confirmation page was not displaying the credit card service fee. This has been fixed.
[Enhancement] Stored payment methods were not getting deleted if they had been associated with a previous payment. This has been fixed.
[Enhancement] End users of BillPay can now reprocess a failed scheduled payment.
BP v2.0.48 (9/10/2018)
[Fix] End users can now add payment methods from the “Manage Payment Methods” view.
[Enhancement] When users pay with ACH, we now show the status of the transaction as “submitted” rather than “paid” until the transaction clears.
[Fix] Changed some language on the remove payment method dialog to reduce user confusion
[Enhancement] When a user schedules automatic payment of a payment schedule where one or more of the payments are already overdue, we are now processing those overdue payments as soon as possible.
[Enhancement] End users can now add payment methods from the “Manage Payment Methods” view.
[Enhancement] Added field “Business Name” to bank account entry form when entering a business account.
PS v2.1.25 (9/10/2018)
[Fix] We are now processing service fee refunds as a void instead of a refund when the principal charge fails. This will prevent end users from seeing these service fees on their statements.
[Enhancement] We are now sending an email to the school admin when a scheduled payment fails. (BCC of the email sent to the parent)
BP v2.0.46 (8/21/2018)
[Fix] Fixed an issue where service fees were not appearing on the confirmation email when scheduling payments.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the failed scheduled payment parent email incorrectly included an admin fee even when there was no admin fee associated with the failed scheduled payment.
PS v2.1.19 (8/21/2018)
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the update payment method process would sometimes leave the end user on a blank page.
[Fix] A recent release caused service fees to stop working for interactive credit card transactions. The service fees are now back.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where failed transactions were getting flagged as complete.
[Enhancement] Added some additional logic to prevent scheduled transactions from processing more than once.
[Enhancement] Modified the logic around admin fees to ensure that parents get charged an admin fee a maximum of once per academic year.
PS v2.1.14 (7/30/2018)
[Fix] Added a proper link to BillPay application in the failed scheduled payment confirmation email.
BP v2.0.42 (7/30/2018)
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the replace payment method process would sometimes leave the end user on a blank page.
Resolved Scrum Issues (7/23/2018)
[Fix] Fixed an issue where in some cases, failed scheduled payments were getting recorded in BillPay as successful payments.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where BillPay was inadvertently sending emails from the school Admission office email address.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where BillPay was sending scheduled payment reminders to parents via email when the payment balance was zero.
[Enhancement] Added additional checks in Payment Service prior to running a scheduled payment to be sure that nothing has changed in BillPay.
[Enhancement] In some instances, users were able to make payments or schedule payments for invoices that had been modified since the user loaded the page. We’re now checking to see if the invoice (or the schedule) has been modified immediately before processing a payment or a payment schedule.
[Fix] Updated the ACH transaction confirmation email to include language indicating that the transaction is in progress and may take 1-7 business days to clear.
[Fix] The service fee line was incorrectly displaying on the purchase summary view for ACH transactions. This has been removed.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where our payment scheduling service was occasionally timing out after a programmed 3 second wait time and triggering a second transaction submission causing a duplicate payment. This egregious error has been fixed by increasing the wait time to 5 minutes.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where service fees weren’t getting canceled when the principal transaction failed.
[Enhancement] Added an alert for end user when they’re using an out of date browser that’s not supported by BillPay (for security purposes).
[Fix] Resolved an issue where funds were erroneously being withdrawn from a savings account, even though the end user entered a checking account.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where scheduled invoice and payment balances weren’t computing properly when payments were received outside of BillPay web.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where we were displaying some incorrect math for completely paid invoices with a schedule.
[Fix] Expired sessions weren’t getting handled gracefully – we now have a nice “Your session has expired” message.
[Fix] Long bank names were causing strange wrapping of account numbers. This has been fixed.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where retrieving payments from the web caused a single payment to appear to offset multiple charges.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where suspended invoice schedules were still showing up in the end user interface.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the admin fee details were missing from the transaction confirmation email.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where we were still showing the change email function to end users even when they were using SSO for authentication.
[Fix] Added bank account type to the transaction confirmation email sent to end users.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where BillPay specific payment options preferences (ACH, CC) were not overriding the default payment service payment options.
[Enhancement] Modified the scheduled BillPay routine to check the Payment Service for any updates to payments where the callback to BillPay may have failed. This should fix some issues where parents don’t see the successful payment in their interface on the due date.
[Enhancement] Made a modification to allow for on the fly changing of allowed payment methods.
[Fix] Added some validation to the bank account routing number to prevent bad data.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where transactions were failing when there was a credit card service fee.
[Fix] Updated the error message to end users to make it more helpful when we have a partial failure (e.g. successful service fee, but failed principal).
[Fix] Fixed an issue where a partial payment to an installment prevents additional payments on that installment.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where the next installment on a payment schedule isn’t immediately actionable when the previous one is paid.
[Enhancement] Modified the payment confirmation email so that ACH and CC confirmations use different language.
[Fix] Fixed an issue where completed payments were showing up on the payment confirmation screen.
[Fix] Squashed a bug which would allow an end user to enter an invalid payment type via the manage payment methods interface.
[Fix] The Help dialog has now been resized so that all the help text fits within the confines of the dialog.
[Enhancement] We’re now restricting end users from replacing a payment method of a different type. In other words, an end user can’t replace a CC with a bank account, or vice versa.
[Fix] There was an unhelpful message when an end user logged in to BillPay and nothing was due. This interface is now frendlier.
[Enhancement] BillPay can now be put in “information only” mode which removes all transaction actions for end users (e.g. “Pay Now”).
[Enhancement] School branding is now available on the end user login screen for BillPay.