Many schools keep their online application available at all times on their website. However, you can make it unavailable at certain times during the year.
CAUTION: If your online application is not available, this will prevent any application that is In Progress from being displayed. Families that have not completed their application will not be able to access it.
If you do want to close your application for the season, and prevent any new people from applying, do the following:
- Perform a Find for all applications that are In Progress and notify those applicants via email that the school is no longer accepting applications at this time.
- From within PWS, click the MORE button in the top right corner of the task bar.
- Choose SOURCES from the pull-down menu.
- Navigate to Sources: Main > Notifications tab, Process Status Items sub-tab.
- Select your Application, and uncheck the DISPLAY checkbox.
- Repeat for all items you will un-display.
- You may also want to add, in large lettering at the top of the application instructions, a message that you are not accepting applications at this time. You edit this message on the ADVANCED tab > MESSAGES sub-tab.
- Select Application instructions.
You may want to remove the link to your online application from your school website, as this will prevent families from creating new accounts.
We recommend that you add a message stating when applications will re-open for the next school year.
Online Recommendations ›