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PORTAL Web Services (PWS) Overview

PORTAL Web Services (PWS) and its derivative, SANDBOX Web Services (SBWS), gives prospective students and their families a secure online account in which they can manage their own application process, including inquiry, application and recommendation forms—right through receiving your decision letter inside their secure online account at the moment you publish decisions.

On the school side, you electronically import online inquiries and applications, match the inquiries and applicants with known families or create new records in PORTAL or SANDBOX, and import the data you want into PORTAL or SANDBOX. You can even view applications in process that are not yet complete.

With PWS, you create and publish your own teacher recommendation forms to the web, and issue secure accounts to recommenders.

Data from families and recommenders is easily reviewed by you and imported into PORTAL; it is easy to notify applicants online as the required steps of their applications are completed. Finally, you can publish your decisions to the web so that families are notified immediately at your notification deadline.

SANDBOX Web Services (SBWS) functionality is similar to PWS, although the functionality of SBWS is limited to online inquiries and applications.

PORTAL Web Services (PWS)
SANDBOX Web Services (SBWS)

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