It is suggested that you retrieve and process Recommendations on a daily basis. You can retrieve online recommendations for students who are still in the process of completing their application or who have already completed their application.
IMPORTANT: In order for PWS to link a retrieved online recommendation to the appropriate inquiry record in PORTAL, you must have first processed the inquiry or application in PWS, linking the IDInquiry with the PORTAL inquiry record by clicking “Copy All Data” when processing the inquiry or application.
BEST PRACTICES: We suggest when a PWS application record is first retrieved that you process the record immediately whether or not the applicant has completed his or her application.
The Status indicates the progress within PWS:
- Not submitted (Gray)= The recommendation has not yet been submitted
- No Inquiry (Red): The related inquiry for this recommendation has not been processed on the Retrieved Records Tab of PWS.
- PROCESSED (Blue): The recommendation has been processed
The Web Status indicates the progress on the recommender page:
- New: The applicant has requested the recommendation from recommender.
- In Progress: The recommender has begun working on the recommendation.
- Submitted: The recommender has submitted the recommendation.
- Cancelled: The recommendation request has been cancelled.
Retrieving Teacher Recommendation Forms
When an online recommendation form is retrieved in PWS, it is automatically processed and the inquiry record in PORTAL is updated.
- Navigate to PWS: Recommendations.
- Click the Retrieve and Process button.
All new recommendations are now retrieved and processed; related process status items have been marked and dated in PORTAL.
To view the recommendation record in PORTAL
- Click on the green arrow next to the student’s name to navigate to the App/Decision tab in the inquiry record in PORTAL.
- Click on the Recommendations subtab to see the processed recommendations.
- Click View to open a PDF of the recommendation, or Save to save a copy of the PDF elsewhere.
- Print the PDF if desired.
After retrieving and processing inquiries, applications, and recommendation forms, the final step in the daily workflow is to notify applicants of what has been received.