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Upload Instructions

Easy Upload Instructions

  1. Zip or compress all files into a single archive.

  2. Label the compressed file with your school’s name and the date. For example: MYSchool_010421.zip
  3. In a browser, enter:  https://communitybrands.thruinc.net/ 
  4. Below “Upload files with Thru Dropbox™” click the Upload Files button.
  5. Fill in the form:In the To: field, enter the email address of your iR support person: [email protected]

    In the From: field, enter your email address:

    In the Subject, Enter your School Name

  6. Click Select Files or drag the compressed file or drag them to the location specified. 
  7. Enter the code from the picture
  8. Accept the statement
  9. Click the UPLOAD button.
  10. Delete the zipped and unzipped folder on your desktop.
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