Using different types of Recommendation Form
You can simultaneously use both PWS hosted recommendation forms and downloadable PDF recommendation forms.
You would host the downloadable version on your school’s website and include links to them. The links will be either in the Recommendation HYML Instructions or in a Category Description for any Process Status Item.
Adding a link to a PDF Recommendation Form hosted on your website
- Navigate to PWS: Sources by clicking More > Sources.
- Click the green arrow next to Source: Main. Note that this screen displays if you also have Gateway to Prep (GTP) and/or Standard Application Online (SAO). If you have only PWS as a source, you will not see this screen, you will be directed to Sources: Main.
- Click the NOTIFICATIONS tab and PROCESS STATUS ITEMS subtab. Here you can manage the links to the PDF files.
- Select the Process Status item you wish to have a downloadable pdf for.