ADVOCATE is built using FileMaker Pro and takes advantage of all the features that FileMaker Pro has to offer. The ADVOCATE solution is composed of 26 different files all related to one another. As a user, you will spend your time accessing only a small portion of those files while the rest of the files work behind the scenes to manage your data efficiently and effectively.
Understanding where and how your data are stored in ADVOCATE will help you become more efficient as you do your work. While data lives in specific files, data are displayed in a variety of formats throughout the solution giving you access to your data where you need and in the form that you need.
Main Working Files
As you enter students into the solution, the AVSTUDENTS file will contain a record for every student in your system. The AVCOLLEGES file comes pre-configured with a record for over 5000 colleges with name and address information already entered. As you create college applications, the AVAPPLICATIONS file will contain a record for every student application, resulting in a student having multiple applications in the AVAPPLICATIONS file. The AVCONTACTS file will contain a record for every contact recorded between a student, his or her parent, and a counselor. The AVCOUNSELORS file will contain a record for every counselor at your school and, the specific test score files will contain a record for every test score entered into the solution. There is a complete list of file names and what they contain in the section ADVOCATE Administration.
Because ADVOCATE is built in FileMaker Pro, you do not save your work as you do in other applications. Every time you click out of a field that data (along with all data) are automatically saved. This is important to know and remember while working. It is important that all users have a working knowledge of FileMaker Pro and that an effective and regular back up system be in place to protect your data. You may also want to consult a FileMaker Pro manual for a greater explanation of how FileMaker Pro manages data.