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  3. Charge Account Fees

Charge Account Fees

Account fees are charges that are not student-specific, such as late fees, or Parents Association dues. These fees are charged directly to an account.

Charging Account Fees

  1. From the Student Billing Workflow screen, click on the task Create Invoices.

This navigates you into the Accounts List.

  1. Perform a find for the Account(s) you wish to charge.NOTE: When in Find mode, you can type in the name of an account. To add other accounts to your find, click New Request in the FMP status area and add another name. Add as many new requests as you like to the Find. Then click Perform Find.

  1. Charge the entire found set at once. Click the button Charge Fees.

  1. In the Charge Fees window, select one or more fees to charge by clicking on the fee(s).
  2. Enter a Charge Date.
  3. Click Charge.

When you create the invoice, the Account Fee(s) will appear separate from Student Fees, with no student name related to the Account charge.


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