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Creating New College Applications

To Create New Applications

  1. Navigate Home.
  2. Click Create new Application records.

The College Applications Creator dialogue box will appear.

  1. Find the student you wish to create an application for by clicking the Find button or click in the Student field and select the desired student from the list.
  2. Find the college to which the student is applying by clicking the Find button. If the college has been marked as a Favorite, click in the College field and select the desired college from the list of favorites.
  3. Select the Program to which the student is applying.
  4. The application deadline can be overridden, if necessary, by entering a new deadline into the yellow Deadline override field.

Note: This new deadline is specific to this student’s application and does not alter the application deadline in the AVColleges file.

  1. If transcripts and an SSR report were sent to the college indicate so by clicking the appropriate checkboxes.
  2. Enter the date that the transcript and SSR were sent to the college.
  3. You can automatically enter today’s date by clicking the Set Today button.
  4. Click the Add Application button to add this application to the student record.

As you create additional applications from this screen the names of the students and the colleges will display in the Running List on the right side of the screen along with the program, application deadline, and whether or not transcripts and SSR have been sent.

  1. Continue to find students and add applications as needed.

Caution: When you create a new application, the fields Transcript SentDateSSR Sent and Date do not auto clear. Be sure to clear these fields, if appropriate, by clicking in them and deleting the information before you continue to add new applications.

  1. If you want to delete an application from the Running List, click the Trash icon beside the application in the list.
  2. Click the Close this Window button when finished.

The applications you created will appear in the AVAPPS file as individual records and will be displayed for the student on the Applications screen in the AVSTUDENTS file. The check box items are determined in solution preferences at solution setup.

To Create New Applications From Within a Student Record

  1. Navigate Home > View/Edit Student records > Applications > History.
  2. Find the student for whom you wish to create an application.
  3. Click the New Application button at the bottom of the screen.
  4. The College Applications Creator dialogue box will appear.
  5. Complete the required information as detailed above.
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