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Reenrollment Management

The Admissions Office must track the reenrollment status of all enrolled students in order to accurately monitor open spaces for the next year and attract and enroll appropriate students for those spaces.

As families return reenrollment contracts, you will track responses on the Enrollment tab in PORTAL, in the area called Reenrollment.

This data is crucial to your Reenrollment Capacity Figures report, which you will use often to determine which spaces you have yet to fill for the next year. The Capacity Figures report is dynamic: every time you adjust data, it is immediately reflected in the report, so your data about available space is always a reflection of your current data.

NOTE: PORTAL takes a positive view of reenrollment, assuming that all students will be returning unless marked otherwise.

There are three Reenrollment statuses. Every enrolled student will need a reenrollment status for your report to be meaningful. The reenrollment status for a student is always editable:

  • Transferring – The student will finish the school year but will not be returning next year.
  • Returning – The student will return next year.
  • Extension – The family has asked for more time in which to make their decision.

Entering Re-Enrollment Information

  1. From the INQUIRIES file, navigate to the Enrollment tab.

Reset Reenrollment Fields

If you have not yet marked students’ reenrollment status, you can clear out all reenrollment statuses from the past in order to begin reenrollment tracking with a clean start.

  1. If you have already marked a few students, make note of those so that you can mark them again after you clear out all reenrollment statuses.
  2. Click Show All to select all records in the database.
  3. Click Reset Enrollment Fields in the End-of-Year Procedures area of the screen. This will clear the reenrollment status for all records in the found set.

Mark individual student records as you receive information

As you receive positive confirmation that a student is Returning, Transferring, or needs an Extension for making a decision, click the appropriate reenrollment status radio button in the PORTAL record.

If a student is transferring, enter the W/D reason (reason for withdrawing) and the school the student will be Attending instead. The rest of the fields in this area will auto-fill when you perform end-of-year procedures at the end of the Admission Season.

Adjust individual PORTAL records for exceptions

PORTAL allows you to manage exceptions using the Promotion Type drop down menu: Normal, Repeat, Double-PromotePORTAL Rising GD takes into account the Promotion Type.

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