An Applicant Family did not receive an email with their account activation instructions.
Most often, when an applicant family does not receive your email regarding account creation, the email has been stopped by a spam filter or firewall. We have added language to the account creation screen directing applicants to check their spam filters and junk mailboxes in the event that they don’t immediately receive a notification.
Applicant Family has forgotten which email address they used to create their account.
This is almost always the result of the family thinking that they are logging in with the account they created, but are not. If they know the email address they used to create the account, they can click the Help: I forgot my password link on the login screen. Neither you nor we have access to their password. If they have an application in progress, we can do research in the databases to find the email address that they used to set up the account. We would need the applicant’s full name and date of birth. With that we can determine the account ID, and look up the account email address. Or they can create a new account and begin again.
An Applicant Family clicks “Add an Applicant” for creating an online application more than once for the same child.
If the Applicant Family has not taken any action as that applicant, they can delete the extra applicant:
- The applicant family can hover their cursor over the applicant’s name.
- Click Edit.
- Check Delete this applicant.
- Click Save.
If the Applicant Family has already sent requests for Recommendations from any of the accounts, they should not delete the applicants. Deleting these Applicants after a request for a recommendation has been sent will orphan the recommendations and they will never be retrieved.
If the Applicant Family has filled out part of the application in one Applicant, and added other information in a second Applicant of the same name, you can connect both online applicants to the same PORTAL record by processing both applications in PWS. Please tell the Applicant Family that moving forward they will have to monitor both accounts for status updates.
If the Applicant Family has clicked the radio button indicating a paper application in error, they will see their application status is Submitted, and the application is locked. This is because any Submitted application is locked, and when you indicate you have submitted a paper application, its status in PWS is automatically set as Submitted. In this case, the applicant has not submitted any application of any kind, and wants to begin an online application.
- Tell the applicant family to ignore the account they created in error for a paper application.
- They should create another new applicant of the same name, selecting “I want to create a new online application.”
Applicant chooses an apply grade and clicks “Create” but then the Apply Online link does not appear for them.
- Go to PWS Sources, Notifications Setup and make sure the Application is set to display for that particular grade.
- If that setting is correct, check the value list in your source map.
Action items are not updating for an applicant.
If process status items are being received and you have marked the appropriate PORTAL Inquiry record accordingly, but the related action items displayed in the family’s online account are not updating, you have not created a link between the online applicant and the inquiry record in PORTAL.
See What does it mean to PROCESS a record? above.
The wrong PDF or Online Recommendation is displaying in Action Items on the application page.
- Go to PWS Sources, Notifications Setup and look for the item that is incorrect.
- Click the green arrow that takes you to Process Status Items by Grade and ensure you have selected the correct PDFs/online recommendations.
When I bring information into PORTAL or SANDBOX not all the identified field information is coming over or it is coming into the wrong fields. How can I fix this?
Your Field Map is inaccurate.
- Go to the Source Map and ensure that your fields are mapped correctly. If the fields are mapped correctly, contact [email protected].
I need to change a value list on my application or inquiry form.
- Go to the Source Map and use the radio button to select either Application or Inquiry form.
- Click the green arrow related to the list you want to edit.
- This will open the Edit Source Field window, where you can edit your value list.
- Click Done.
- Click Upload to save your changes to the web.
Certain questions are not appearing on my printout.
Contact [email protected].
I know online recommendations have been submitted but when I retrieve they are not there.
IMPORTANT CONCEPT: An applicant record in PWS must be linked to a student inquiry record in PORTAL. Therefore, the first time a record appears in PWS—even if it is only partially complete—RETRIEVE IT and PROCESS the CHILD record.
What does it mean to PROCESS a record?
- The first time an application appears, no matter what % of required fields is complete, click the green arrow to enter the record.
- On the Records Link screen, compare Retrieved Family1 Data (on the left) to possible Matching Families (on the right); see if you have a matching family record. If you do see a match, click on the family, then click on Update Selected Family1. If you do not see a match, create a New Family1.
- On the lower half of the Records Link screen, compare Retrieved Student Data (on the left) to possible Related Inquiry records (on the right); see if you have a matching inquiry record. If you do see a match, click on the student name and either Update Selected or Re-Inquire Selected. If there is no matching inquiry record, click New Inquiry.
- Click Next.
- On the Records Sync screen, the button that will link the PWS record to the PORTAL record is in the Retrieved Student Data area:
- Click NEW (if you are creating a new inquiry), or
- Click UPDATE (if you are updating an existing inquiry).
- Click DONE. Your PWS record is now linked to an inquiry record in PORTAL.
I tried to retrieve online inquiries/applications and nothing happened. What should I do?
In most all cases, this is the result of some local issue on your network that is preventing you from accessing our server. We suggest you contact your IT team to see if there have been changes to the network or if the school is experiencing network issues. We can verify that our server is up and running but beyond that we cannot help you troubleshoot your network issues.
It takes a long time to retrieve inquiries and/or applications. What do you suggest?
This may be an issue with your network. We suggest you contact your IT team and work with them to troubleshoot the issue. If a large number of inquiries and/or applications have been submitted, this may cause some slowness. You can contact us to verify whether we are experiencing any server issues. For any substantial outages we post the status to our website at
How do I identify in PWS the accounts that have submitted paper applications?
Paper applications will be 100% complete and submitted, but they will not display a printing icon. Paper applications are highlighted in yellow.
How can I tell if I have processed a partially-completed application?
If you have already processed a partially-completed application, the PWS record will be linked to a PORTAL (SANDBOX) Inquiry record. Because this step is crucial to all future notifications, it is good practice to ALWAYS process a record when it first appears.
There is no overt sign in PWS that a partially-completed application has been processed.
How can I re-process an application?
See “Re-processing an application” in the article Processing Online Inquiries and Applications.
I have attached the PWS record to the incorrect PORTAL record, what do I do?
- From Retrieved Records, the PWS Records List, enter the record you wish to change by clicking on the green arrow related to that record.
- This takes you to the Records Link screen. Click Next.
- This takes you to the Records Sync screen.
- Click Toggle Status.
- Click Back to return to the Records Link screen and connect the PWS record to the proper PORTAL record.
- Then examine the PORTAL record that you had mistakenly attached. Probably you have copied wrong data into this record. You may have to retrieve the correct information for this record from a backup file.
A parent is reporting their credit card won’t process or they receive the error message “AVS Mismatch”. Their credit card company is showing the charges.
When a credit card does not process it is usually due to the billing address being entered into the form incorrectly. This can happen when international families entered information in English and the billing information is in a different language. Generally, reentering the credit card billing address in the language of the credit card will resolve the processing error. Should their credit card fail to process, they should contact their credit card company. There is nothing that you nor we can address.
If the applicant continues to have problems entering the address information correctly (including using special fonts if needed, for example Chinese character fonts), it is recommended to provide them with the Application Fee Waiver code to allow them to submit the application. You will then need to collect the application fee in another way (check, cash, etc).
Applicant Family believes they’ve been charged multiple application fees, what do we tell them?
Fees are not charged to a family’s card until the transaction has been approved. When an online credit card transaction is requested, the credit card provider places a “hold” on the amount requested to verify the credit card balance will permit the charges. In the event the transaction fails, the hold is released. Depending on the credit card provider this can typically take 24-48 hours. If the applicant looks at the label of the credit card transaction it should be listed as pending rather than processed/charged.
Also, if an Applicant Family clicks Submit repeatedly, the credit card company may assume questionable activity. The card company may place a 24-hour hold on the account, but will not post multiple charges. The Applicant Family should contact the credit card company.
Whom do we contact for help?
Contact [email protected] any time you need assistance. Your families should contact you directly if they need assistance.