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Displaying Application PDFs in PORTAL Documents Tab

With PWS 3, a PDF of a submitted and processed application should appear in the PORTAL Documents tab, in addition to the HTML View App link on the App/Decision tab.

If the PDF does not appear on the Documents tab, you can generate a new PDF in PWS, then re-process the PWS record to add the file to iR Documents:

  1. Use the More menu in PORTAL to navigate into PWS.
  2. On the Retrieved Records List, use the Filter to display the record you need (e.g. if the application has been submitted, choose the filter “Closed”).
  3. Click on the Printer icon for the appropriate record. This will re-generate a PDF.

  1. Now process the record again. Click the Main display card icon to enter the brokering screen for this record.

  1. If the record has the status Closed, click Toggle Status to change the status back to Submitted, and re-process the record:
    1. Still on the Link to PORTAL screen, click Next.
    2. On the Copy Data to PORTAL screen, click Copy All Data.
    3. Click Done.

The new PDF should appear in the Documents tab in the associated PORTAL inquiry record.

Viewing Documents and Adding New Documents in PORTAL          Adding Fields in PORTAL to carry over to KEYSTONE after Admit

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