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FAQ for Financial Aid

How do I complete my end-of-year procedures in Financial Aid?

These steps outline End of Year procedures for Financial Aid v. 3.x.

I. Set up FA preferences by going to the FA Setup script in the Scripts menu:

  1. Change the FA year to the next year.
  2. Set up tuition for the next year.

II. Set Up Your Budget:

  1. Create any award categories and their subcategories for the upcoming FA year such as:
            a. Grants
            b. Loans
            c. Remissions
            d. Other category

III. Applicants:

  1. Delete all student records who are no longer applicants for the upcoming year, e.g., graduates, withdrawn, and closed.
Note: All historical data for these students still exists in the AWARDS and DECISIONS tables. You can do a search for YOG for your seniors. For withdrawn or closed records, you can search for their admission status on the Overview tab in Applicants. Delete your found sets by going to the FileMaker Pro Records menu and selecting Delete Found Records.

  1. Do a global replace for FA Year field on the Overview tab. Change this to your upcoming FA year.
  2. Run the Update Applicant Records script from the Scripts menu.

I’ve added a second family (P2) to a student’s record in PORTAL and this does not show in Financial Aid. How do I connect this P2 family to the student’s record?

When adding a P2 family to a student’s record in PORTAL, you must also run the Update Applicant Records script in Financial Aid. This script can be found under the Scripts menu in Filemaker. Make sure you have the Financial Aid database open in order to access this script.

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