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Writing Letters


This is an introduction to the APPLICANT portion of the relationship graph in FA v.3 and how that related to writing letters. For detailed help with letter writing and constructing letter layouts in inRESONANCE solutions, please refer to the Creating Letters section of the PORTAL documentation.

As for writing letters in FA, you’ll need to understand how to reference the various merge fields that you’ll want to use. To do that requires at least a cursory understanding of where data resides in FA. Take a look at the example letters for some ideas. All of your letter layouts will likely need to be bound to the APPLICANT table occurrence (as in the example letters). Take a quick look at the relationship graph and familiarize yourself with the TO’s related to the APPLICANT TO.

  • Any FA decision information will be accessed via the APPLICANT.DecisionThisYear TO.
  • Awards info is in APPLICANT.AwardsThisYear (there may be many awards, so you’ll probably use a portal to display multiple awards).
  • Student information (bio info and admissions process data like the admission decision) is in APPLICANT.Inquiries.
  • Family information is in APPLICANT.FAMILIES.Family1 or APPLICANT.FAMILIES.Family2.
  • The missing items calculations are in APPLICANT.FormsYear0.P1 and APPLICANT.FormsYear0.P2.
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