Creating accounts

  • Upload data
  • Sync accounts
  • Enable access
  • Resolve account conflicts
  • Notify
  1. Open PWS.
  2. Click Upload Data. A dialog box will appear to note that this function will upload notification data.
  3. Click Continue.
  4. If you want an account for Pb email navigate to preferences and check Enable Pb accountsPWS, by default, only creates accounts on PA email.
  5. Click Sync Accounts. This will sync the whole found set.
  6. Click Enable Access.
  7. Click Resolve Conflicts to resolve any conflicts that there are.
  8. Click Notify to notify accounts of the changes that have been made. A dialog box will open asking if you want to notify.
  9. Click Notify.
  10. Select ACCOUNTS from the PWS More menu. The Central Accounts Manager will open.
  11. Click Refresh accounts to refresh account information.
  12. Perform a find for the specific record that you want to work with. Use quotation marks to perform a find for an email address.
  13. Click Notify account.

Note: You can update the email address for the account in the Central Account Manager.

  1. Click on the gear icon to enter Preferences Account Notifications. You can customize and Cc your notifications here.
  2. Click Upload changes.



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