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Parents Report

Parents by Apply Grade

The Parents By Apply Grade report operates on an Apply GD found set and displays a list of students, sorted by their Apply GD, and their custodial families.

  1. From the INQUIRIES file click on the Reports button in the Task Bar.
  2. In the List/Report Subtitle area type your subtitle if desired.
  3. Click the Parents By Apply Grade button in the Parents area.
  4. The report will be generated and presented to you in Preview mode.

  1. If you wish to print the report click File > Page Setup to make any necessary changes to the page layout. Click File > Print from the FileMaker menu.

Parents by Current Grade

The Parents By Current Grade report operates on a Current GD found set and displays a list of students, sorted by their Current GD, and their custodial families.

  1. From the INQUIRIES file click on the Reports button in the Task Bar.
  2. In the List/Report Subtitle area type your subtitle if desired.
  3. Click the Parents By Current Grade button in the Parents area.
  4. The report will be generated and presented to you in Preview mode.

  1. If you wish to print the report click File > Page Setup to make any necessary changes to the page layout. Click File > Print from the FileMaker menu.

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Parents by Apply Grade Detailed

The Parents By Apply Grade Detailed report operates on an Apply GD found set and displays a list of students and their custodial families, telephone and address.

  1. From the INQUIRIES file click on the Reports button in the Task Bar.
  2. In the List/Report Subtitle area type your subtitle if desired.
  3. Click the Parents By Apply Grade Detailed button in the Parents area.
  4. The report will be generated and presented to you in Preview mode.
  5. If you wish to print the report click File > Page Setup to make any necessary changes to the page layout. Click File > Print from the FileMaker menu.

Parents by Current Grade Detailed

The Parents By Current Grade Detailed report operates on a Current GD found set and displays a list of students and their custodial families, telephone and address.

  1. From the INQUIRIES file click on the Reports button in the Task Bar.
  2. In the List/Report Subtitle area type your subtitle if desired.
  3. Click the Parents By Current Grade Detailed button in the Parents area.
  4. The report will be generated and presented to you in Preview mode.
  5. If you wish to print the report click File > Page Setup to make any necessary changes to the page layout. Click File > Print from the FileMaker menu.

Family Directory

The Family Directory report will operate on a found set and displays a list of families, their children, the child’s current grade, address and phone.

  1. From the FAMILIES file click on the Reports button in the Task Bar.
  2. In the List/Report Subtitle area type your subtitle if desired.
  3. Click the Family Directory button.

  1. The report will be generated and presented to you in Preview mode.

  1. If you wish to print the report click File > Page Setup to make any necessary changes to the page layout. Click File > Print from the FileMaker menu.
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