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SBWS End-of-Year Procedures

Before your next Admission Season begins you may want to review your application to ensure it represents the information you wish to collect.

Below are a few things you should consider:
  1. Go through your application and inquiry form and identify any questions you want to revise, remove, rearrange. Are there questions you wish to add?You can change the wording of questions and labels yourself.You cannot delete, add, or move positions of questions. Contact [email protected] if you want to add or remove questions, change the format of any questions, change what questions appear on what pages, or add or delete pages.
  1. Look at all the values that the applicant and their family can choose—do you need to update these? Year of Entry is always a good question to check.
  2. Look at all the dates. Look to see if there are any that need updating from last year.
  3. Do your application instructions need to be updated? Look for any dates that need updating. Modifying Instructions (SBWS 3).
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