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SchoolForms Online Form Types

When you build forms in SchoolForms Online, your first decision is to select the Type of form.

Each type of form has specific characteristics.

Form Types

  1. Form
  2. Memo
  3. Payment


A Form is the type you will build most often in SchoolForms Online. A Form comprises instructions, a due date, and any number of a wide range of form elements, including text boxes, radio buttons, and checkboxes. Forms incorporate fields that display data from each individual student/family’s data in PORTALKEYSTONE, or SANDBOX and also collect data from families that is imported back into your solution. You can use almost any field from these tables—INQUIRIES, PERMRECS, FAMILIES, ENROLLMENT, sbSTUDENTS—on a form.


A Memo is a form without a submit button. Generally, a Memo is a short note that contains no complex setup, but serves more as a guideline to instruct families how to complete a specified item, with a due date. A Memo can offer a link to another web site (such as a link to the Tuition Reinsurance Insurance Plan).


A Payment is a form for collecting credit card payments from parents. When you create a Payment form, you will have access to elements that dynamically feed monetary amounts into a summary calculation field. The form will dynamically display the total of all elements or options that the parent has selected. At the bottom of the Payment form, there is a Continue button that takes the parent to a secure credit card transaction page. Each Payment form that is submitted will be charged as a separate transaction for the parent.

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