SchoolForms Online provides each family with a secure, password-protected account in which they can view all the forms assigned to each of their students, and also forms that are family-specific. Each Family logs in to SchoolForms Online through a web browser.
Accounts are securely based upon unique email addresses. When you notify your families of their SchoolForms Online accounts, the notification email will include instructions for reaching the login screen.
Accounts for SchoolForms Online are integrated with accounts for all of the inRESONANCE web services to which your school subscribes. This means one account exists for each parent and student (preferences can be set defining who gets an account) and within that account are roles for each individual web service.
Within the SchoolForms Online portion of the family website, a family can select from a list of their enrolled children to see the forms that child has been assigned. For each form, a due date is displayed, as well as the status of each form. As forms are completed by the family, the submitted date is displayed, as well as a link to a PDF of the completed form.