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Working With Lists and Forms

Generating lists or forms for students, families, inquiries, and personnel is quite simple. There are many lists and forms that come preconfigured with SANDBOX. Lists have a limited number of fields arranged across the top and display multiple records. Lists and Forms are found set based, meaning that you find who the records you want to display and then sort them as appropriate to the task.

Some examples of lists are Parent Phone ListAttendance ListAllergy List. and Reenrollment List. Forms are generally one page per record and include the Emergency Form and Interview Writeup.

In order to generate a list/form:

  1. Navigate to the Overview screen of either sbSTUDENTSsbFAMILIES, sbINQUIRIES, sbPERSONNEL.
  2. Perform a Find to select the individuals from the chosen file you wish to generate a list or form.
  3. Sort the chosen found set if desired.
  4. Click the Lists/Forms icon in the Task Bar.
  5. Select the desired list or form by clicking the appropriate button. You will be directed to a screen showing what your list or form will look like.
  6. Click Preview. This will show you what your printed list or form will look like.
  7. Click Print.
  8. Click Continue to exit.
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