SANDBOX comes with pre-configured reports. A report is a scripted procedure that outputs the records in an appropriate display. Some reports are completely automatic: the find and sort are done automatically. Other reports allow you to first find the group of records on which you wish to report. Completely automated reports are indicated by the associated gray button. Found set reports are indicated by a green button. In either case, generating reports for students, families, inquiries, and personnel is quite simple.
If you are going to run a completely automated report:
- Navigate to the Reports screen of the appropriate file (sbSTUDENTS, sbFAMILIES sbINQUIRIES, sbPERSONNEL) by clicking the Reports icon in the Task Bar.
- Select the desired report clicking the corresponding button. This will bring you to the Preview screen.
- Print or Save the report as desired.
- Click Continue to exit.
If you are going to run a report that is found set:
- Navigate to the appropriate file and find the group of records for which you wish to report.
- Navigate to the Reports screen by clicking the Reports icon in the Task Bar.
- Select the desired report clicking the corresponding button. This will bring you to the Preview screen.
- Print or Save the report as desired.
- Click Continue to exit.