In iRCOMMON, you build the Account Creation Notification email and the Account Reminder Notification email messages for every web service implemented at your site.
Each Account Notification email message (Account Creation and Account Reminder) comprises three parts, which are blended into a single message. Some of the text is locked, as it contains specific information that must be conveyed in a particular way. Some of your text is open and can be created and edited by the school at any time. The three parts are:
- System-wide message content is not editable.
- Subject line and Standard email body text is set by inRESONANCE.
- System-wide message content is not editable.
- Module Message Content has two editable fields,
- Custom module text
- Link label
- Standard module text is not editable.
Module Attributes is where you can set, for each module:
- From email address
- Reply to email address
- BCC email address – We recommend that you use the Notifications BCC field to send a copy of each email into a special folder where you can find the email if parents’ spam filters are blocking it.
- To email address – This will be a merge field from your solution.
Editing the Account Email Notifications
- From your web service module (in this case, FAM), click on MORE > ACCOUNTS or LOGINS in the top right of the task bar.
- Within iRCOMMON, click the gear icon at the top right of the screen to navigate to Preferences.
- Navigate to Account Notifications tab.
- Click to select the web services module whose messages you wish to review.
- Click to select the email message to edit, either Account Creation Notification or Account Reminder Notification.
- Find the Module Message Content area. This is where the school can enter and edit any message you want to include.
- When finished editing, click Close and update website.