There may be occasions when you wish you could re-retrieve forms you retrieved at an earlier date.
You can re-retrieve forms by changing a setting in SBWS: SOURCES.
- From SANDBOX Central Navigation, click SBWS Inquiries/Apps.
- Within SBWS, click More > Sources.
If you also use the online applications from Gateway to Prep (GTP) or Standard Application Online (SAO), you will see a screen asking you which source to connect to. Use the green arrow to navigate into SBWS: Sources Main. (If you have only SBWS, you will not see this screen.)
- In SBWS Sources: Main, click the Settings tab and look for Retrieval Prefs.
- Inquiries and Applications each has their own field [i.e. Retrieve Inqs greater than or equal to…] where you can enter a date as the starting point for retrievals. You can enter a date in the past as the starting point for retrievals if you need to re-retrieve earlier records.
- Set the date(s) you prefer, then click out of the field to save.
- Click Done.