Resolving Account Issues
- Make sure that your student and family data has been published by checking the student and family check boxes and selecting published.
Enabling SSO Accounts
- Click Sync accounts in FAM. The Module Access will open.
- Click the magnifying glass filter to open the filter drop down menu.
- Select SSO Disabled from the dropdown menu (for schools that have SSO) to view SSO accounts that are not enabled.
- Click Enable Access to enable SSO accounts.
Enabling All Accounts
- Select All from the filter dropdown menu.
- Click Enable access to enable all accounts.
If You Have Received an Error Message When Enabling Access
When enabling accounts in SFO/FAM you may encounter an error dialog.
- Clicking the Refresh accounts button in iRCOMMON should solve the problem and allow you to enable access in SFO/FAM.
- Follow the steps shown above to refresh iRCOMMON.
- Now you can go back to SFO/FAM and click the Enable access button.
- The highlight on the name should turn from pink to orange at this point. Now click on the card icon at the far left of the orange-highlighted record.
- This will bring up the Module Access Detail window.
- Click Update. This will make it so that the record is no longer highlighted.
Resolving Conflicts
- Select Conflicts from the filter dropdown menu.
- Click the Resolve conflict link, in any account that has a conflict, to enter the Module Access Detail. Check the data for inconsistencies. The parent may have the wrong email address attached to their account. This can happen if a family goes through a divorce and information gets changed.
- Click Enable access. This will give them access with their current account.
A dialog box will open asking if you would like to enable access.
- Click Enable.
- Click Done.
- Click Done.
- Navigate to Accounts through the More menu in FAM.
- Perform a find for the record in question and enter main view. You will be able to see all of their accounts. The Record ID may be different from one solution to another. For example they might have an SFO account with a different ID than the FAM account. If this is the case then you can copy the FAM ID and use it to replace the SFO ID number.
- Click Upload Changes.
- A dialog box will open telling you that the account is uploaded.
- Click OK.
Invalid Email
- Select Invalid Email from the filter dropdown menu to find all of the accounts with invalid emails.
- Correct the original email addresses in the Families file in your core solution.
- Click Sync Accounts.
Different Email
- Select Different Emails from the filter dropdown menu. It is not necessary to fix these if the email is active and valid.
- Navigate to the Families file in your core solution and update the email as needed.
Different Name
- Select Different Name from the filter dropdown menu.
- Navigate to Module Access Detail. If the parents are using the same email address, this will create an error.
- Navigate to Families and perform a find for the family.
- Eliminate the duplicate email or replace it with a different valid email.
- Perform a find for the affected family in FAM.
- Check the Students and Families checkboxes and click Update.