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Swap Pa and Pb in KEYSTONE

There will be occasions when you want to swap all the data that has been entered for Pa and Pb—such as if you intend for Family 2 records to have Pa as the birth parent (and Pb as the step-parent), regardless of gender, but the records were not created following this convention.

In this example, the step-parent is listed as Pa. We want to swap all the data in the record, so that the mother becomes Pa of Family 2.

Swapping Pa and Pb

  1. Click on the orange diamond at the top of the card to navigate to ptFAMILIES Overview screen.

Clicking the orange diamond button will open this screen:

  1. From the FMP Scripts menu, select Swap Pa/Pb. This command acts on one record only and swaps all Pa/Pb fields.

  1. Review the record, now re-ordered.
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