Entering and editing data in SANDBOX may vary somewhat from other programs. The main deviation is the concept of “saving.” In SANDBOX, information entered or changed in an editable field will automatically be applied as soon as the user clicks OUT of that field or presses the Tab key on their keyboard. Pressing “Enter” while in SANDBOX will only add another line to the field.
To enter or edit data use the Browse mode. While in Find mode data can be searched for, and in Layout mode, data may be interrelated. In most cases when using SANDBOX you will not see a Save button, although Saving becomes an important feature when editing a layout in Layout mode.
In addition, not all fields may be edited. In most cases, a white field (without red text) means that the user may add or change the data. Gray fields, however, are calculated and cannot be edited directly. For information about understanding the color scheme, see Text and Field Colors.