The Central Navigation window shows links to the main SANDBOX files.
This file contains a record for every student currently enrolled in the school. It is designed to handle the current student data for functions normally carried out by the school. Records are almost always transferred into sbSTUDENTS from the sbINQUIRIES database before or during the school year.
The number of student records in sbSTUDENTS should accurately reflect the current enrollment figures of the school at all times. Students in the sbSTUDENTS file are related to their respective parents or guardians in the sbFAMILIES file. A child may be associated with two separate households— each household will have a separate record in the sbFAMILIES database. One household is designated as the custodial family (Family 1) and the other as the non-custodial family (Family 2). SANDBOX will manage information for two adults per household.
The main cards in sbSTUDENTS are:
- Overview: Provides an overview of student information.
- Family 1: Displays the custodial family’s information and has a link to view the family’s information in sbFAMILIES.
- Family 2: Displays the non-custodial family’s information and has a link to view the family’s information in sbFAMILIES.
- Contacts: Displays Family 1’s emergency contact information, which can also be found in sbFAMILIES.
- Health: Displays the student’s general health information and immunization history.
The sbFAMILIES file contains a record for each household related to the school. A family may have a child or children inquiring about enrollment, a child or children already enrolled in the school, or a child or children who have withdrawn or graduated from the school. It is important to note that each family associated with a child will have their own independent record in sbFAMILIES.
The main cards in sbFAMILIES are:
- Overview: Provides an overview of pertinent family information.
- Children: Provides a “snapshot” of all children known to the school. This includes children who have or are inquiring for admission, children currently enrolled in the school, and children who have withdrawn or graduated. The specific child information resides in the related child files—located in sbSTUDENTS, sbINQUIRIES, or sbARCHIVES.
- Employment: Provides an overview of the family’s current employment information.
- Emergency: Provides information about family emergency contacts, authorized pickups and insurance information. This information will be the same for all students with this family as their custodial family.
The sbPERSONNEL file contains a record for every staff and faculty member employed or previously employed at the school. In general, even when employees return or resign, their record should be maintained in the file. Biographical information as well as employment information can be tracked.
The main cards in sbPERSONNEL are:
- Overview: Displays pertinent information about the staff or faculty member, as well as homeroom students if applicable.
- Employment: Displays employment, credential, salary and education information about the staff or faculty member.
- Personal: Displays home, emergency contacts, and census information.
The sbINQUIRIES file contains a record for every child who has inquired to the school. This is the primary working file when entering a child and their family into the solution. When a child is entered into sbINQUIRIES using the Input screen, a related family record is created in sbFAMIILIES. A child record will move from sbINQUIRIES to sbSTUDENTS if they are admitted to the school. If the child is not admitted, you may save it for future reference or you may elect to delete the record. Be aware that if you delete records in sbINQUIRIES you will lose all of that inquiry’s data, making any school admission reports incomplete. Records in sbINQUIRIES are marked with the Admission Season to easily differentiate among years.
The entire admission process—interviews conducted, paperwork submitted, and admission decisions—can be tracked and monitored from sbINQUIRIES.
The main cards in sbINQUIRIES are:
- Overview: An overview of student information, siblings, and basic information about their application status.
- Parents: Basic information about any families associated with the inquiry.
- Interview: An area to record interview information.
- App/Decision: Information on the status of the applicant and decisions made by both the school and the family.
- Receptions: An area to record applicant attendance at receptions and school visits.
Student records are moved from sbSTUDENTS to sbARCHIVES when they graduate or withdraw from the school This allows you to always have a record of all students who have attended the school. This is a manual process to ensure that only those students you are certain you want archived are archived. When a student record is transferred to sbARCHIVES you then delete their record from sbSTUDENTS so that sbSTUDENTS always reflects the current enrollment numbers.
The main screens in sbARCHIVES are:
- Overview: Key information about the student, their family and their withdrawal information, if applicable.
- Health: Basic health information about the student.
sbATTHOME (Take Attendance) and sbINFRACTIONS
sbATTHOME is used to record and edit attendance data. Here you can manage weekly or daily attendance as well as view and print attendance reports. sbINFRACTIONS gives an alternative method of viewing attendance data and allows you to access more attendance reports.
See the Managing Attendance section of this website under the Using Sandbox heading for more information about how to use sbATTHOME and sbINFRACTIONS to manage attendance data.
sbPREFS is the SANDBOX preference file. It is where global values are set for the entire solution. Global values need to be entered prior to the solution being used and the current school year and admission season need to be updated annually.
The main cards in sbPREFS are:
- Season/Year: Set admissions season, academic year, YOE, and current marking period.
- Contact: Set school address, phone, url, ID, and principal
- Capabilities: Set enrollment and reenrollment targets for each grade. Used in reports.
- Process: Set required application process steps grade-by-grade.
- Utilities: Allows you to update user accounts and privileges.
- Grades: Define the nomenclature associated with each grade level, as well as rising grade information. For example, “sixth grade” may be referred to as 6, 6th grade, 6th, and the rising grade is 7.