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Creating a PDF from a sent BROADCAST on Windows

Here are the steps for printing a PDF from BROADCASTER:

  2. Click on the Broadcast Detail button of the broadcast you wish to print 
  3. Click on the Preview button on any of the entries in the Broadcast Monitor
  4. The preview is not a basic FileMaker layout but a WebViewer, so when you right-click on the layout, you are actually using the web content’s menu, which is the only way to print a PDF of a WebViewer in FileMaker.
  5. On the Preview:url window, Control-click or right-click on the body of the preview.
  6. On the menu that pops up, select Print
  7. On the Print window, select Microsoft Print to PDF at the top and click the Print button 
  8. Choose a location to save the PDF and name it.
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