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  2. GENERATIONS Web Services (GWS)
  3. Online Donations List Overview

Online Donations List Overview

Upon implementation, a navigation button to GWS will be added in the GENERATIONS central navigation window, on both the Giving and Constituents tabs.

  1. Click the GWS button to enter the administration side of GWS.

You will land in the Online Donations List, where you retrieve and process online donations.

Overview: GWS Online Donations List

In the Online Donations List, each online donation comes in as a separate record. The data submitted by a donor via GWS waits for you to process it—that is, you either match the transaction (pledge or gift) to the record of a constituent that already exists in GENERATIONS, or, if it does not match an existing record, you will create a new constituent record and attach the gift to the new donor.

Each online transaction appears in its own row, within a list of transactions.

Notice the Task Bar above the list. here you will see buttons that allow you to take action:

  • Retrieve – This button will add to the list any transactions that have been completed since the last time you retrieved records.
  • Find Open – This button will filter the list of retrieved transactions to display only those records with a status of Open.
  • Find Closed – This button will filter the list of retrieved transactions to display only those records with a status of Closed.
  • Find All – This button will display the complete list of all records submitted through GWS.

The Online Donations List of online gift records displays the following information, from left to right:

  • Detail card icon – Click on this icon to enter the Detail view of a particular online gift record.
  • Flag – You can click on a flag to mark a particular record, or group of records, for any reason.
  • Status – When an online donation is retrieved, it will have a status of Open (New). After you have processed a record, the status will go to Closed.
  • Name – This is the name of the donor as entered online.
  • Email – This is the email address entered online.
  • Date – This is the date the online donation was submitted.
  • Type – This tells you if the donation is a Gift or a Pledge.
  • Fund – This tells you which Fund was designated for the gift.
  • Amount – The amount of the online donation.
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