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  3. Processing the Broadcaster Queue Manually

Processing the Broadcaster Queue Manually

As defined in Preferences > Settings, your outgoing server is probably set to delay the actual sending of your broadcast by a few minutes. This is intended to give you time to change your mind.

You can override this delay and instruct your server to send a broadcast immediately.

To process your broadcast queue manually

  1. From the Broadcast List screen, navigate to Preferences by clicking on the gear icon at the top right-hand corner of the window.
  2. Select the Advanced tab.
  3. Click on Process Queue button.

To monitor the progress of your broadcast as it goes out

  1. Click on the Done button to close Preferences.
  2. Select your Sent broadcast from the Broadcast List.
    1. If you do not see your sent broadcast in the list, refresh and filter the list by clicking on one of the spyglass icons in the task bar.

  1. You will land in the Broadcast Monitor screen.
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