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  3. Publishing Grades, Grade Reports, and Schedules

Publishing Grades, Grade Reports, and Schedules

At the end of a marking period, once faculty have completed the process of writing grades and comments, you are ready to publish to FAM. If it is a term end, and student schedules will change, you will also want to publish new schedules. You can choose to publish any of these data at any time the school is ready to publish data to families.

Publishing Grades, Schedules, and Grade Reports to the Web

  1. Begin with a Found Set (Show All, or Find by Name, Division, or Grade).
  2. Review the Current Division Publishing Settings to check that you will publish data for the proper marking period.

  1. Click the Checkboxes in the task area at the top of the FAM window to specify which kinds of data you will publish.
  2. Click Publish.

  1. You will want to alert families beforehand (a good use of BROADCASTER) that grades will be published at a certain date/time.

FAM End-of-Year Procedures (EOY) ›

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