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  2. Family Access Module (FAM)
  3. Setting Up a Staff Account for FAM

Setting Up a Staff Account for FAM

You can set up a STAFF account in FAM 2, and then distribute credentials to faculty and staff so they have access to the searchable online directory and the bulletin board.

  1. Select ACCOUNTS from the More drop down menu.

  1. Switch to Main view.

  1. Click the New account button.

  1. Enter an email address to be the username for the account (ask your IT department to set up a generic email or an email alias for this purpose).  You will need to have access to this email (so you can get the Notification email).

  1. Name the account.
  2. In the account, click in the Module box, and select FAM.  Then click in the Role box, and select STAFF.  You will leave the ID box blank.
  3. Click Upload changes.

  1. Click Notify Account. This will send a notification email with instructions about how to proceed.

  1. Open up the email, click on the Family Access link, and set a password for this account (one that you can share with the faculty/staff).
  2. Then send out the username (email address) and account password to the faculty/staff with a link to the FAM website.
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