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Advanced BROADCASTER Concepts

Using Assets, HTML and CSS Themes

Your school’s identity is a carefully crafted image that needs to be protected. In setting up your BROADCASTER 3 identity, logos and banners will be added as Assets, and school-approved colors and fonts will be added as CSS Themes. CSS Themes are applied to the modifiable Templates whose underlying architecture is HTML. Once your resources are set up, they will rarely be changed.

That said, an advanced user can create HTML, Sections, Tags and CSS Themes in BROADCASTER 3. We recommend that you follow a non-destructive design workflow; that is, duplicate the HTML, or a tag, or a theme before changing it.


Assets are images that you will use repeatedly, such as logos, banners, and approved images. You store them inside BROADCASTER 3 in the Assets Manager.


BROADCASTER 3 ships with six HTML layouts; these HTML layouts provide the underlying architecture for the 6 broadcast templates, where content is added when composing a message.

An HTML designer can create additional HTML layouts in the HTML Editor.

HTML organizes the arrangement of different sections for templates. Not every template will contain every possible section.

Within a given template, each section is assigned one of the defined Tags. Within a given CSS Theme, each Tag may be defined differently than it was defined in another theme. The value of a Tag defines its appearance.

Note: while you have the ability to delete a Tag/Section by using the red X icon, we caution you to be aware that if you delete a tag or section that is used in your templates, you will compromise any HTML that utilizes that tag or section.

The templates in BROADCASTER 3 comprise 12 pre-defined tags. You may change the CSS styling in the value of a tag within each template.

The pre-defined Tags in BROADCASTER 3 are:

The articles that follow will introduce the Asset ManagerHTML Editor, and CSS Theme Editor.

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