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Managing Templates

BROADCASTER 3 ships with 12 templates for every domain. There are six basic designs, and each of the designs has two versions: Sample and NEW. The Sample version has content in every section, so you can preview the template and see how it fits together. The NEW version is empty, except for a logo or logo banner. Both versions can be transformed into your own template. Your Templates can be created and edited at any time within BROADCASTER.

Templates are domain-specific. That is, if your organization has PORTALKEYSTONE, and GENERATIONS, the admissions office will see different templates than the registrar will. And the Development office will see their own templates. Therefore, if you edit templates, a user in a different domain will not be affected by your changes—but all BC3 users within your domain will be affected by them.

We encourage you to work non-destructively; that is, always make a duplicate and edit the duplicate instead of changing the original.

To access Templates

  1. Navigate to the Broadcast List by clicking on the envelope icon at the top left of the BROADCASTER window.
  2. Click the More drop down menu in the status area and select Templates. This will open the Template Manager in the All Saved Templates window. This displays all of your saved templates in a LIST view.

NOTE: We recommend that you adhere to a Naming Convention for templates:

Template: your template name (e.g. Sidebar: Open Houses).

  1. To Preview any template in the list, click on the second icon from the left, the binocular icon.
  2. Click Done to return to the list.

There are two ways to navigate to a template you wish to examine, duplicate or edit. Either:

  • Click the main card layout icon on the far left of the template name in the LIST view, or
  • Click on the MAIN button to view an individual template. Use the left/right arrow keys to navigate to the template you want.

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