Student Billing —for the Business Office—integrates with PORTAL or SANDBOX to leverage up-to-date enrollment and family data so that the Business Office can bill tuition/fees and incidental monthly charges, and process payments—including online BillPay. The resulting sub-ledger can be exported to your accounting system as GL Summary reports.

Student Billing does not replace your school’s general ledger. It does ease your workflow and allows you to manage and control your billings and accounts receivable as well as manage communications about billing issues with families. BillPay allows parents to pay their balances online, and Quickbooks Connector makes it even easier to export summary data into your accounting system.

Student Billing is dependent upon data in PORTAL or SANDBOX.

The Student Billing Home screen is organized around workflow. Each domain has a colored header bar and links to specific tasks.

  • To perform a task, click on the appropriate task in the workflow diagram.
  • To enter a domain, click on the colored header bar for the domain.
  • Alternatively, peruse the choices in the MORE pull-down menu.

No matter where you are, you can return to the Student Billing Workflow (Home) screen by clicking the calculator icon in the top left corner.

To view the FileMaker status area—where you have access to the Book, the number of records in a found set, the Find button and more—click on the header area icon at the bottom left of the window. To hide the status area, click this button again.

Documentation will follow the recommended workflow:

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