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Student & Family Data: Enrollment Management in KEYSTONE

The ENROLLMENT domain of KEYSTONE is where biographical data for families and students is managed. There are various screens in KEYSTONE for efficiently managing the enrollment data for students. In each case, these screens provide a way to search for the appropriate students, select those students and then perform an action, using the Enrollment Management tools.

These actions can be done on a student-by-student basis or with a group of students. Actions include:

  • Enroll New Admits
  • Graduate / Withdraw
  • Promote
  • Set Returning Status
  • Midyear Withdrawal
  • Rebuild Students

Rebuild Students verifies or creates a record in the ksSTUDENTS file for every child who is marked with the status Enrolled Attending on a ksENROLLMENT record for the active year. The action Rebuild Students removes extra students such as those Withdrawn or Graduated.

Midyear Withdrawal varies slightly from year-end withdrawal of students from the school. Generally, year-end withdrawal is done for a group of students, and affects only the ksENROLLMENT records. With Midyear Withdrawal, the Registrar will be editing a student during the school year and must decide what marks and sections to preserve. Midyear Withdrawal is always performed on a single student.

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